Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Official....America is done.

Today, Friday,  Febuary 13 will go down in history as the day that sounded the official death knell for America. The biggest spending bill -1,073 pages in history passed today. Let the record reflect that there was not a single member of the Republican party who supported this bill. I think they finally figured it out. The Democrats, the official representatives of the stupid and socialist in this country will be forever to blame for driving our great grandchildren into slavery. 

I am outraged...and so is GOP House Leader John Boenher

Think a little people. Think. Read!

John Boenher's staff put together this video short detailing the process.

I saw another video that detailed the behind the scenes of the House Study Committee. I suspect Fox News will show it at 9pm Central on Saturday on Bret's show called "How to Spent a trillion"

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