Thursday, February 12, 2009

Idiot of the Day

....Dr. Michael Kamrava for facilitating the in-vitro fertilization of Nadya Suleman, an unemployed woman living in her parents house with six children. She gave birth to an additional 8 children on January 26Th

Mr. Kamrava should have his license permanently revoked and Miss Suleman needs to get her head checked. Medical ethicists will likely be discussing this case for decades. It appears that taxpayers will be footing the bill for this one as she is unemployed. Miss Suleman has publicly stated that she hopes  to begin studying for her masters degree in psychology in the fall. With 8 newly born children, she recognizes the importance of personal attention to each of her new children and  has stated that she wants to hold each of her children for a minimum of 45 minutes each day. That alone will take 6 hours, just for the eight newly born children. 

Existing in-vitro fertilization guidelines specify that no more than two embryos should be utilized  at any time. I'm calling for jail time for the both of them.

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