Wednesday, February 11, 2009

C.S. Lewis Book Announcement

 Professor Gary Tandy, a teacher at Cascade College, has announced the release of his new book: 

I'm pleased to announce the publication of my book, The Rhetoric of Certitude: C. S. Lewis's Nonfiction Prose, by The Kent State University Press. This book is the culmination of a project begun 25 years ago when I was a grad student. Perhaps the most satisfying part to write was the dedication. Since I doubted that I would be dedicating any more books, I wanted to get this one right. There were lots of likely candidates: my teachers, who inspired me to study writing and literature as a career; my friends and church communities in Knoxville, Abilene, Tulsa, and Gresham, who helped shape me spiritually; my students at Cascade and OC, with whom I have discussed Lewis's works over the last 15 years, and more. I settled on the most significant "others" in my life and the woman who would have been the most proud to see the book in print. The dedication reads "To Janet, Julia, Jackson, and John Garrison, and for Mom, who waits to greet us in Aslan's Country."

If you would like to purchase a copy of the book at a 40% discount off the retail price ($39.95), email me at, and I will give you the details.

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